GoHfG foun­ding offensive


Our crea­tive poten­tial at the HfG, such as more than 300 soci­ally rele­vant and market-oriented HfG semester and final projects per semester are almost never imple­mented. We want to acti­vate this unused poten­tial for the future: With our foun­da­tion offen­sive goHfG.


The goHfG team orga­nizes and mode­rates go events and advises students and foun­ding teams in the foun­ding forum.

Consul­ta­tion appoint­ments on busi­ness start-up topics by appoint­ment:
Wednesday 8:30 or 10:00 am
in the mate­rials library / foun­da­tion forum

 Carolin Morlock

Carolin Morlock

goHfG | Systemic Consultant and Coach
Contact person for consultation appointments

Prof. Gerhard Reichert

Prof. Gerhard Reichert

goHfG | Projektleiter

 Stefanie Weber

Stefanie Weber

goHfG | Projektassistenz
Ansprechpartnerin für Beratungstermine


With the goHfG start-up initia­tive we want to sensi­tize you to the topic of foun­ding a company and support you with your projects with the goGrün­dungs­be­treuung on your way to a start-up.

The syste­matic sensi­ti­sa­tion, quali­fi­ca­tion and active goGrün­dungs­be­ra­tung is based on diffe­rent modules such as goScou­ting, goWork­shop etc:

Key players in the regional start-up ecosystem (scouts) syste­ma­ti­cally screen the exhi­bited semester and final theses and iden­tify parti­cu­larly promi­sing projects and moti­vated students.

Work­shops for the further deve­lo­p­ment of projects/​startup ideas into an initial busi­ness model.

Successful students and teams are speci­fi­cally brought into contact with important part­ners from the foun­ding ecosystem and coached by them and the goHfG team.

Group coaching for foun­ding teams for team deve­lo­p­ment and also for gender-specific body language and commu­ni­ca­tion within the team, in order to streng­then trust and commu­ni­ca­tion skills and to improve team manage­ment in the long term.

Deve­lo­p­ment of new teaching concepts on topics of perso­na­lity deve­lo­p­ment, with the aim of disco­ve­ring and promo­ting important quali­ties needed for entre­pre­neur­ship (such as orga­ni­sa­tional and imple­men­ta­tion skills, resi­li­ence and self-manage­ment, conflict manage­ment and coope­ra­tive beha­viour) and on topics of busi­ness manage­ment (such as product life cycle, busi­ness model canvas, customer orien­ta­tion, market analysis, network stra­te­gies, legal forms).

Networ­king events with students (inclu­ding busi­ness admi­nis­tra­tion and tech­no­logy) from other univer­si­ties are offered to expand the foun­ding team competencies.

Concrete support for start-ups by advi­sing on finan­cing and funding oppor­tu­ni­ties and by estab­li­shing needs-related cont­acts with players in the (regional) economy. In this phase, the start-up teams get started and estab­lish their start-up.

Geför­dert durch:

Förderung goHfG