Infor­ma­tion for Alumni

Welcome to the Alumni Meeting Point of the Hoch­schule für Gestal­tung Schwä­bisch Gmünd. A univer­sity thrives on the active parti­ci­pa­tion of its students – even after they have completed their studies. Stay in touch with your univer­sity, with profes­sors and former fellow students. Many HfG alumni support students and young graduates in their search for intern­ships and career planning.

Circle of Friends

The Circle of Friends of the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd e.V. is an asso­cia­tion of indi­vi­duals, compa­nies, graduates and employees of the univer­sity. Toge­ther, they want to build bridges, create networks and promote dialogue through this network.



To stay up to date, you can sign up for our HfG news­letter here on the website (in the footer).