Infor­ma­tion for Press and Media

The press and marke­ting team informs the public about current deve­lo­p­ments, projects and events at the univer­sity. We are respon­sible for press inqui­ries and arrange contact persons.


We repre­sent the univer­sity in various external working groups and insti­tu­tions. We are members of the follo­wing organizations:

Federal Asso­cia­tion of Univer­sity Commu­ni­ca­tion
Science Infor­ma­tion Service (idw)
Marke­ting Club Ostwürttemberg

If you would like to be added to our press and media distri­bu­tion list, please send an email to our press office indi­ca­ting the medium for which you are writing.

Social Media

On Face­book and Twitter, we have been informing you about the latest news from ever­yday univer­sity life since 2012, and are available to answer ques­tions and main­tain contact with our students and follo­wers. On Insta­gram, you have been able to get more impres­sions of the HfG since 2016 and on YouTube, you have been able to get an idea of various projects at the univer­sity since 2014. Our pages on XING and LinkedIn are aimed speci­fi­cally at graduates, univer­sity staff, profes­sio­nals and companies.


Anni El-khorazati

Referentin für Presse, Kommunikation und Marketing