Trial Course Design Campus

191028 Max Isele Hf G Designcampus 80

You will soon have your Abitur“ or your advanced tech­nical college entrance quali­fi­ca­tion and still have no idea what to do next? Take a week during the pente­cost or autumn holi­days to discover your talent for design. The HfG in Schwä­bisch Gmünd is looking for curious young desi­gners with a mind of their own.

If you suspect that design is more than colorful pictures, shrill flyers and cool styled MP3 players, then you’ve come to the right place. Commu­ni­ca­tion, inter­ac­tion and product design and the Digital Product Design and Deve­lo­p­ment are the fields in which profes­sors will show you what really matters. Students talk about their ever­yday study life, their projects and courses – and how exci­ting it is to think about the future.

Join the Design Campus at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd!

The next trial course offers ever­yone, aged 16 and over, the oppor­tu­nity to look into the subject of design. While working on your own first projects, we will make you fami­liar with the use of type and color and show you what role surface, space, time and move­ment play in design. The Design Campus is for all those who want to know whether a design degree and a profes­sion in a design envi­ron­ment is the right thing for them! 


Endlich ist es wieder so weit, der nächste Termin für ein Schnup­per­stu­dium an der HfG steht fest! In den Pfingst­fe­rien vom 21. Mai bis zum 24. Mai 2024 kannst du die Gele­gen­heit nutzen, mit Professor*innen und Studie­renden ins Gespräch zu kommen, Work­shops zu belegen und aus erster Hand alles Wissens­werte über das Bache­lor­stu­dium, die verschie­denen Fachrich­tungen, das Studi­en­um­feld und die Zulas­sungs­vor­aus­set­zungen an der HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd zu erfahren.

Weitere Infos zur Anmel­dung, Kosten und Details zum Ablauf werden demnächst hier veröffentlicht. 

Further infor­ma­tion

At a glance:
Trial Course Design Campus
21st until 24th May 2024
60 € fee towards expenses for mate­rial, drinks and admi­nis­tra­tion


Regis­tra­tion dead­line
for the Design Campus in Spring is 10th May.
Please send an email with the follo­wing infor­ma­tion to
You will receive infor­ma­tion about the course plan and the course selec­tions in due time.

Name, First Name
Post­code and City
Date of birth
Name of legal guar­dian (if not yet of legal age)

With your regis­tra­tion you agree to our privacy policy. Further infor­ma­tion can be found here:…


Nursel Kale

Mitarbeiterin Gestaltung, Kommunikation und Veranstaltungsmanagement