Trial Course Design Campus
If you suspect that design is more than colorful pictures, shrill flyers and cool styled MP3 players, then you’ve come to the right place. Communication, interaction and product design and the Digital Product Design and Development are the fields in which professors will show you what really matters. Students talk about their everyday study life, their projects and courses – and how exciting it is to think about the future.
Join the Design Campus at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd!
The next trial course offers everyone, aged 16 and over, the opportunity to look into the subject of design. While working on your own first projects, we will make you familiar with the use of type and color and show you what role surface, space, time and movement play in design. The Design Campus is for all those who want to know whether a design degree and a profession in a design environment is the right thing for them!
Endlich ist es wieder so weit, der nächste Termin für ein Schnupperstudium an der HfG steht fest! In den Pfingstferien vom 21. Mai bis zum 24. Mai 2024 kannst du die Gelegenheit nutzen, mit Professor*innen und Studierenden ins Gespräch zu kommen, Workshops zu belegen und aus erster Hand alles Wissenswerte über das Bachelorstudium, die verschiedenen Fachrichtungen, das Studienumfeld und die Zulassungsvoraussetzungen an der HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd zu erfahren.
Weitere Infos zur Anmeldung, Kosten und Details zum Ablauf werden demnächst hier veröffentlicht.
Further information
At a glance:
Trial Course Design Campus
21st until 24th May 2024
60 € fee towards expenses for material, drinks and administration
Registration deadline for the Design Campus in Spring is 10th May.
Please send an email with the following information to
You will receive information about the course plan and the course selections in due time.
Name, First Name
Postcode and City
Date of birth
Name of legal guardian (if not yet of legal age)
With your registration you agree to our privacy policy. Further information can be found here:…
Nursel Kale
Mitarbeiterin Gestaltung, Kommunikation und Veranstaltungsmanagement