Study design at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences (HfG)
– shape the future, today.

Oliver jung fotografie E7 C9098

Passion, ratio­na­lity and respon­si­bi­lity. That is our mission. The three pillars of our design studies are design, science and tech­no­logy. We direct our atten­tion to the coming demands on designers.

Critical and prac­tical-oriented: not a contra­dic­tion for us.
But don’t get too cere­bral: thin­king makes you beau­tiful and so so does creating.
Those who only know about design, don’t know anything about it.
Inti­mate and uncrowded: small groups, first-class supervision.
The past cannot be shaped – but the future can.
You don’t have to reinvent the wheel on the shoulders of giants.
Making the world a better place – that’s what we try to do.
Func­tion­a­lity plays a predo­mi­nant role.

Studying Design

What is good design? With good design and meaningful design, we solve ever­yday and future problems. That’s why we’re not just about making the world a nicer place. With us, you use your talent where it bene­fits society and the envi­ron­ment. Sustainable design is the keyword.

For the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd, design is an inno­va­tive disci­pline with scien­tific, social and tech­nical refe­rences. It contri­butes to influen­cing cultural, tech­nical and economic deve­lo­p­ments in a respon­sible and sustainable way. The univer­sity deli­bera­tely dispenses with artistic or artis­anal prere­qui­sites in the teaching of design funda­men­tals. In contrast, all five study programs focus on scien­tific know­ledge and the rational justi­fi­ca­tion of design decisions.

Study Interaction Design at HfG
Bachelor of Arts

Interaction Design

Study Communication Design at HfG
Bachelor of Arts

Communication Design

Study Product Design at HfG
Bachelor of Arts

Product Design

Study Strategic Design at HfG
Master of Arts

Strategic Design

Still undecided?

Degree programs

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Intern­ship Semester

Theory is important – prac­tice indis­pensable. In the prac­tical semester (the 5th semester) you will get into the crea­tive working day.

You will work on projects at agen­cies, compa­nies, insti­tu­tions or design studios in Germany and abroad, thus broa­de­ning your hori­zons. The prac­tical semester is an essen­tial part of your univer­sity educa­tion and must be successfully completed for admis­sion to the 6th semester. Infor­ma­tion on intern­ships, address lists and contact persons at suitable insti­tu­tions can be obtained from the student secretariat.

The Internship Semester

Student Secretariat

Semester Abroad

Students of design need a special feeling for cultural diffe­rences. Self-orga­ni­sa­tion, foreign language skills and commu­ni­ca­tion skills are crucial prere­qui­sites for working successfully in the design industry.

During your 6th semester in the bache­lor’s program you have the oppor­tu­nity to spend a semester at one of our 50 partner univer­si­ties world­wide. The Inter­na­tional Office of the HfG is respon­sible for the coor­di­na­tion. There you will also receive all important infor­ma­tion about your semester abroad.

Study Abroad

Emma Ott

International Coordinator

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Work­shops and

An inte­gral part of a semester at the Univer­sity are various work­shops and semi­nars for students. Every summer semester, for example, the Univer­sity in Schwä­bisch Gmünd trans­forms into an inter­na­tional place of study with lectures and work­shops by profes­sors and lectu­rers from all over the world. During the Labo­ra­tory Week in the winter semester, students can take courses and work­shops such as model making, 3D prin­ting, photo­graphy, programming and project manage­ment to figu­ra­tive drawing and much more, accor­ding to their indi­vi­dual inte­rests and focus. 

  1. Inter­na­tional Seminar Week

    Every summer semester, the HfG goes inter­na­tional. The regular study program is suspended for one week. During this time, profes­sors from partner univer­si­ties from all over the world as well as spea­kers from the fields of from science, busi­ness and industry offer lectures and work­shops on a general topic. English becomes the language of the univer­sity. Students are not bound to their disci­pli­nary specia­liza­ti­onbut instead, they can consciously choose events that are other­wise part of other courses of study. Students get new input and inspi­ra­tion for their study projects. The Inter­na­tional Seminar Week turns the univer­sity into an inter­na­tional and inter­di­sci­pli­nary field of experimentation.

  2. Lab Week

    At the begin­ning of each winter semester, the Labo­ra­tory Week takes place. Similar to the inter­na­tional seminar week, students in all bache­lor’s degree programs choose from a work­shop offe­ring a topic that inte­rests them. The univer­sity offers courses ranging from model making, 3D prin­ting, photo­graphy, programming and project manage­ment to repre­sen­ta­tional drawing. The work­shop instruc­tors are univer­sity employees, external desi­gners and also students with special exper­tise. At the end of the lab week, the students present their work in the work­shop rooms. Like at an exhi­bi­tion, ever­yone then roams through the univer­sity and looks at the work of their fellow students. 

  3. Wednesday Semi­nars

    Spea­kers from the fields of design, art and culture, science and busi­ness are invited to the Wednesday semi­nars to give lectures on current prac­tical topics. Students, univer­sity members and inte­rested guests are welcome.

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Consti­tued student body

All enrolled students of our univer­sity form the Consti­tued Student Body“. Toge­ther, we help shape ever­yday life at the univer­sity and orga­nize a wide variety of events.The Consti­tued Student Body “ is a public corpo­ra­tion with legal capa­city. It is respon­sible for its own affairs within the frame­work of the legal provi­sions and is subject to the legal super­vi­sion of the univer­si­ty’s recto­rate. The task of the Consti­tued Student Body “ is to repre­sent the inte­rests of the students.

Further information


A maga­zine of the student body – would you like to work crea­tively while studying? You can parti­ci­pate in the Format“ with edito­rial contri­bu­tions, photos, illus­tra­tions or also in layout design.


Living In Schwä­bisch Gmünd

Gmünd is not Berlin nor is it Cologne. Could you afford a room with a roof terrace in Cologne or Berlin on the market square and only 10 minutes from the univer­sity? Schwä­bisch Gmünd offers not only affordable rents, but also has a crea­tive envi­ron­ment with design offices, start-ups or
co-working labs. On top of that, there’s a great land­scape with sports faci­li­ties right on the doorstep.

Living in Schwäbisch Gmünd

Finan­cing and advising

Anyone can study at the HfG because with us there are normally no tuition fees. All you have to pay is a small semester fee for admi­nis­tra­tion. Our internal coun­seling centers as well as the Student Services Orga­ni­sa­tion Ulm offer students at the Hoch­schule für Gestal­tung
assis­tance to solve personal or study-related problems.

Internationale Studierende


We appre­ciate your inte­rest in stu­dy­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Design Schwä­bisch Gmünd. Every semester we host more than 20 exch­ange students from our partner insti­tu­tions! Of course we also welcome appli­ca­tions from degree seeking stu­dents from all over the world.

International Students