Employees and Lecturers

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Lectu­rers and staff can parti­ci­pate in an exch­ange program through Erasmus+.

Erasmus+ staff mobi­lity for teaching purposes 

The Erasmus+ program offers the possi­bi­lity to support guest lecture­ships at Euro­pean partner univer­si­ties that have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Educa­tion (ECHE). Visi­ting lectu­rers should streng­then the Euro­pean dimen­sion of the host univer­sity through their stay, comple­ment its teaching offer and impart their exper­tise to students who do not want to or cannot study abroad. 

If possible, the deve­lo­p­ment of joint study programs of the partner univer­si­ties as well as the exch­ange of teaching content and methods should play a role.

Teaching stays last between at least 2 days and 60 days (in each case exclu­ding travel time). The required teaching load per stay is eight hours for the first week of the stay or a shorter stay.

The follo­wing persons are eligible for funding:

  • Profes­sors and lectu­rers with a contrac­tual rela­ti­onship to the university
  • Lectu­rers without endowment
  • Lectu­rers with work contracts
  • Emeritus profes­sors and retired lecturers
  • Rese­arch assistants
  • Company staff

Erasmus staff mobi­lity for further educa­tion and trai­ning purposes

The program is open to all employees of a univer­sity: from trai­nees to presidents.

Possible acti­vity formats can be:

  • Obser­va­tion
  • Job shadowing
  • Study visits
  • Parti­ci­pa­tion in curri­culum deve­lo­p­ment (lectu­rers)
  • Parti­ci­pa­tion in work­shops and seminars
  • Parti­ci­pa­tion in language courses
  • Parti­ci­pa­tion in staff weeks

Curr­ently, mobi­li­ties to Israel can also be funded. Further infor­ma­tion can be found on the DAAD website. The Inter­na­tional Office is also happy to provide advice and support.

Emma Ott

International Coordinator