Why study Abroad?

As a student of design you need a special feeling for cultural diffe­rences. In addi­tion, know­ledge of foreign languages, commu­ni­ca­tion skills and self-orga­ni­sa­tion are decisive skills for successfully maste­ring design chal­lenges in a globa­lized working world.

The univer­si­ty’s exch­ange program offers you the oppor­tu­nity to acquire and develop these skills. The HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd main­tains a world­wide network of partner univer­si­ties. Each of these colleges and univer­si­ties has its own special focus and comple­ments our trai­ning program both profes­sio­nally and methodically.

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Plan­ning your Semester Abroad

For a stay abroad during the 6th semester you can apply through the Inter­na­tional Office at one of the more than 50 partner univer­si­ties world­wide. Coope­ra­tion agree­ments guarantee that you do not have to pay tuition fees and that your study achie­ve­ments are normally fully reco­g­nised by submit­ting a lear­ning agree­ment. Many students use this time to create a personal and profes­sional network that can be useful to them on their further career path.

Your studies abroad are finan­ci­ally supported by the Erasmus+ program. For stays at partner univer­si­ties outside Europe, you can apply for finan­cial support through a scho­lar­ship. You also have the oppor­tu­nity to spend the prac­tical phase of your 5th semester abroad within the Erasmus+ program.

How can I learn more?

The Inter­na­tional Office of the Univer­sity regu­larly orga­nizes infor­ma­tion exch­anges on the orga­niza­tion and proce­dure of the semester abroad and puts you in contact with former exch­ange students. In advance, you should inform yourself on the websites of the univer­si­ties of your choice. Expe­ri­ence reports will also give you valuable insights. The univer­sity will assist you in your prepa­ra­tions for a study semester abroad, which usually begin one year before the start of the trip.

The Inter­na­tional Office is located in the main buil­ding in room H 1.01 – if you have any ques­tions, we will be happy to answer them perso­nally or help you by email or telephone:

Emma Ott

International Coordinator

What Language Skills do I need?

The partner univer­si­ties, if they are not in the German-spea­king area, require a minimum know­ledge of English. A few univer­si­ties require proof of a passed TOEFL language test in advance. You can find infor­ma­tion on this at the indi­vi­dual partner univer­si­ties. Basic know­ledge of the respec­tive national language should be acquired in advance. Often the host univer­si­ties also offer language courses for exch­ange students.

How is the HfG inter­na­tio­nally networked?

The HfG is an active member of the Cumulus Asso­cia­tion, an asso­cia­tion of design, art and media colleges world­wide. For years the univer­sity was repre­sented on the board of this orga­niza­tion. Many outstan­ding coope­ra­tions have deve­loped from this network.

The Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Schwä­bisch Gmünd main­tains a network of over 50 acade­mies, colleges and univer­si­ties worldwide.