Finan­cing and Finan­cial Aid

If you are plan­ning to study abroad for a semester, you should enquire about finan­cing possi­bi­li­ties in good time. Exch­ange students gene­rally do not pay tuition fees. In order to cushion the addi­tional expenses for travel and accom­mo­da­tion, you can use the follo­wing support offers:

Erasmus+ Program

Students in the Eramus+ programme for the Euro­pean Educa­tion Area are auto­ma­ti­cally eligible for funding, depen­ding on the country. Curr­ently, the monthly funding rates (1) for Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, Norway and the United Kingdom are around 450 euros, (2) for France, Italy, the Nether­lands, Austria, Portugal and Spain 350 euros and (3) for Estonia, Hungary, Turkey and Poland 330 euros. Students who spend their exch­ange semester in Israel curr­ently receive 700 euros per month.

Erasmus+ Special Support

Students with disa­bi­li­ties can apply for addi­tional funds for the stay abroad. The Inter­na­tional Office has more infor­ma­tion on this. Erasmus students who take one or more children abroad receive an addi­tional 200 euros per month.


Scho­lar­ships arranged by the HfG

The univer­sity compe­ti­tively awards between three and five PROMOS scho­lar­ships each year for stays abroad outside the Euro­pean educa­tional area, funded by the German Academic Exch­ange Service (DAAD). They comprise about 300 to 400 euros per month and a travel allo­wance. PROMOS scho­lar­ships cannot be combined with other scho­lar­ships from public funds (Erasmus+, BW scho­lar­ships and DAAD indi­vi­dual scho­lar­ships). The award of these scho­lar­ships is subject to criteria: academic perfor­mance, meaningful­ness of the project, social and extra-curri­cular commit­ment and language skills. You also have the possi­bi­lity to apply for a PROMOS scho­lar­ship during the proce­dure for a study place abroad. Accep­tance for the winter semester is usually in June, for the summer semester in December.

The Baden-Würt­tem­berg Scho­lar­ship for Students promotes the exch­ange of highly quali­fied German and foreign students. The scho­lar­ship is financed by the Baden-Würt­tem­berg Stif­tung. The program exclu­si­vely supports good to very good students with 600 – 800 Euro per month. A selec­tion committee of the HfG suggests students and the Inter­na­tional Office informs about the nomi­na­tion. The State Foun­da­tion Selec­tion Committee decides on the scholarship.

DAAD Scho­lar­ships

The German Academic Exch­ange Service (DAAD) supports annual study visits and combined study and prac­tice years abroad. You can apply directly to the DAAD as a student or graduate. 

The one-year scho­lar­ship finances the tuition fees at the host univer­sity, a flat-rate travel allo­wance and a subsidy for health, acci­dent and liabi­lity insu­rance. The HAW Inter­na­tional programme supports semester stays and theses. 

Fulbright Scho­lar­hips

If your study plans take you to the USA, you can apply for a Fulbright Commis­sion travel scho­lar­ship. Scho­lar­ship holders must be enrolled at a U.S. univer­sity for full-time studies of at least four months. The Fulbright Commis­sion also offers full-time scho­lar­ships for graduate studies.

BAFöG abroad

Educa­tional stays abroad can also be supported for up to one year by the Voca­tional Trai­ning Assis­tance Act (BAFöG), whether in Europe or worldwide.