Consti­tuent student body
and student committees

20190608 Hf G Sommerfest 104

All enrolled students of our univer­sity form the composed student body. Toge­ther we help to shape ever­yday life at the univer­sity and orga­nise a wide range of events.

Teams in the CSB

At present you can get involved in the follo­wing areas: Audio, Erasmus, first time, events, bicycle work­shop, garden, cinema, culture, PR and merchan­di­sing, sports, tuto­rials and workshops.

You are welcome to parti­ci­pate at any time. Just talk to us, come to our meetings or check out our Insta­gram account @hfg-vs. We are looking forward to being active with you!

Photos: Max Isele

Role in Univer­sity Politics

The Consti­tuent Student Body is a corpo­ra­tion under public law with legal capa­city. It conducts its affairs inde­pendently within the frame­work of the statu­tory provi­sions and is subject to the legal super­vi­sion of the Recto­rate of the Univer­sity. The Consti­tuent Student Body has the task of repre­sen­ting the inte­rests of the students.

  • to repre­sent the higher educa­tion policy, subject-related and inter­di­sci­pli­nary as well as social, economic and cultural inte­rests of the students
  • Parti­ci­pa­tion in the tasks of the univer­sity §§ 2 to 7 LHG
  • Poli­tical educa­tion that promotes a sense of civic respon­si­bi­lity and readi­nessfor active tole­rance and advo­cacy of basic and human rights
  • Promo­tion of equa­lity and reduc­tion of disad­van­tages within the student body
  • Promo­tion of sports acti­vi­ties of the students
  • Main­ten­ance of national and inter­na­tional student relations

Central bodies of the student body are the Student Parlia­ment and the General Student Committee. 

191015 Max Isele VS Sitzung01 28

Student Parlia­ment

The student parlia­ment is elected by the student body and decides on the basic affairs of the student body inclu­ding the statutes (legis­la­tive body). It has the follo­wing tasks in particular:

  • Elec­tion, recall and control of the members of the AStA (General Student Association)
  • Elec­tion and desel­ec­tion of its executives
  • Adop­tion of the budget
  • Consul­ta­tion and decision making on the statutes of the student body

The student parlia­ment consists of 8 members of the student body. At the first meeting of the respec­tive term of office, the student parlia­ment elects a execu­tive body from among its members, consis­ting of a presi­dent, vice-presi­dent and secre­tary. The execu­tive body is respon­sible for the prepa­ra­tion and follow-up of the meetings of the student parlia­ment as well as for the proper conduct of the meetings. The student parlia­ment can set up advi­sory committees.

  • Members

    Term of office: 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024

    Chair­person: Lukas Böckel­mann
    Substi­tute: Julia Zöllner
    Secre­tary: Marvin Müller


    • Jens Riesen­berg
    • Jakob Schlenker
    • Mirjam Huber
    • Dimitri Wagner
    • Alex­ander Brüggeboes

Student Parliament

Committee (AStA)

The student parlia­ment sets up advi­sory commit­tees, which are respon­sible to the student parlia­ment for their acti­vi­ties. The day-to-day busi­ness is conducted by the General Student Committee (execu­tive body); the chairman of the GSC repres­ents the student body both intern­ally and extern­ally. Their tasks include in particular:

  • Contact person for problems and requests
  • Inter­faces between profes­sors and students
  • Orga­ni­sa­tion of own internal univer­sity events
  • Orga­niza­tion of the commit­tees initiated by the student parliament
  • Members

    Term of office: 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024

    Chair­person: Maxime Beck
    Substi­tute: Xaver Olpp
    Finan­cial officer: Marleen Aue



The consti­tuted student body provides elected student members for the Senate.
