The Intern­ship Semester –
an Insight into the Profes­sional World

Start in Profes­sional Life

Ever­y­thing you have learned during your studies is put into prac­tice in the fifth semester. But not only that, you will also learn a lot of new things. 

With a port­folio of your previous work, you apply inde­pendently (usually in the fourth semester) to compa­nies, agen­cies and design offices in Germany or abroad. Here, ever­yone will find a suitable employer for the six-month intern­ship, because every company has a diffe­rent focus or diffe­rent clients. 

Once you have found an exci­ting agency or an inte­res­ting company for you, you will usually be invited for an inter­view just like in a normal job. If this was successful, the last steps are the forma­li­ties such as the employ­ment contract.

After the fourth semester you will start directly into the daily work routine. With your new colle­agues you will work on diffe­rent projects and may be entrusted with small projects. You can supple­ment your know­ledge in diffe­rent areas and gain first expe­ri­ences in working life.

As an inte­gral part of your studies, the prac­tical semester must be successfully completed before you can be admitted to the sixth semester. Infor­ma­tion on intern­ship posi­tions, address lists and contact persons at suitable insti­tu­tions can be obtained from the Student Secretariat.

Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker

Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker

Prorektor für Studium und Lehre

Student Secretariat

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Intern­ship Abroad and Funding via Erasmus+

If you want to do your intern­ship in another Euro­pean country, this can be funded through Erasmus. Appli­ca­tions must be submitted to the Erasmus Services BW coor­di­na­tion office at Karls­ruhe Univer­sity of Applied Sciences at least one month before the start of the intern­ship. Further appli­ca­tion requi­re­ments and infor­ma­tion on funding can be found directly at website.

If you have any ques­tions, you are also welcome to contact the Inter­na­tional Office:

Emma Ott

International Coordinator