Infor­ma­tion for
Teachers and Schools

Study Ambassa­dors at your School

Secon­dary schools and educa­tional insti­tu­tions already offer a wide range of study and career guidance programs. Do you also offer special info days and info evenings for your students?

We would be happy to present the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd and the study programs and arrange for HfG students to act as study ambassa­dors who talk about their decision-making process, their studies and their expe­ri­ences at the university.

Feel free to contact us and toge­ther we will find the right format for your institution.

Anni El-khorazati

Referentin für Presse, Kommunikation und Marketing

191028 Max Isele Hf G Designcampus 135

Visit to the Semester Exhibition

At the end of each semester, i.e. in February and July, the semester exhi­bi­tion of the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd takes place. On these two open house days, all students exhibit their project work and final projects in our univer­sity buil­dings and are available to answer ques­tions about their projects and studies. 

For educa­tional insti­tu­tions we orga­nize indi­vi­dual guided tours through the exhi­bi­tion. There will also be public tours on both days and an infor­ma­tion event for pros­pec­tive students and parents on Saturdays.

Dates and further Information

Anni El-khorazati

Referentin für Presse, Kommunikation und Marketing

Infor­ma­tion Mate­rial about Studying at the HfG

We will gladly send you infor­ma­tion mate­rial about the univer­sity and our study programs upon request. We would be happy to include your educa­tional insti­tu­tion in the bian­nual distri­bu­tion list for posters and flyers about our events. Other­wise, we will also be happy to inform you by email. Please contact us if we can send you mate­rial or if you would like to be included in the distri­bu­tion list.

Anni El-khorazati

Referentin für Presse, Kommunikation und Marketing