Information about Financial Aid and Advisory Services
Semester Fee
The semester fee is currently 148 euros per semester.
Fee for the Student Services Organization, Ulm (62 Euro)
Contribution to administrative costs (70 euro)
Contribution to the Constituent Student Body (16 euros)
Please note: From the winter semester 2017 – 2018 onwards, tuition fees will be charged for international students and second degree applicants. Further information can be obtained here or here.
German Scholarship
With the Deutschlandstipendium program, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is implementing the idea of public-private partnership in the tertiary education sector: available state funds are paid out in the form of scholarships if the university obtains a counterpart from third parties. In total, the scholarship of 300 euros per month supports students who achieve very good academic results, assume social or political responsibility or successfully overcome obstacles in their own lives and education. The HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd has participated in the German Scholarship since the start-up phase in 2012. Carl Zeiss AG and the Uli & Christine Wohlgemuth Foundation are currently sponsoring the program.
The Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd regularly invites applications for German Scholarships. The funding is based on the Stipendienprogramm-Gesetz StipG of the Bundesrgierung (German Federal Government). Applications are open to students who meet the admission requirements, are already enrolled at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, and are within the standard study period or are about to begin their studies at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd. The next announcement will probably be published here in the summer semester.
If you have any questions about the German Scholarship at the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, please send an email to ed.dneumg-gfh@muidnepitsdnalhcstued.
Equal Opportunities at the HfG
At the HfG there are a number of contact points if you need advice or help on the subject of equality. These include the ethics officers and contact persons in cases of sexual harassment.

The Student Services Organization, Ulm is a partner of the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd and aims to create the best possible economic and social conditions for successful studies. The staff of the Student Services Organization, Ulm is committed to supporting students competently and fairly in various areas.
Financial Aid and BAföG
Specialist colleagues are regularly available to answer questions at their own stands during the introductory and information events, such as the welcome event for first-year students or the Study Information Day.
Contact persons, contact information and opening hours can be found on the website of the Student Services Organization, Ulm, Department of Student Financing.
Psychosocial Counseling Center
The PBS (Psycosocial Counceling Center) of the Student Services Organization, Ulm, offers students of the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd assistance in solving personal or study-related problems. This takes place in the form of individual consultations or courses. Problems for which help is offered are exam and failure fears, concentration problems, performance difficulties, contact difficulties, burdensome thoughts or conflicts with friends or parents.
The consultations take place in cooperation with psychologists in private practice on site in Schwäbisch Gmünd or in Aalen. At the College of Education (PH) in Schwäbisch Gmünd, individually arranged counselling appointments are offered regularly by appointment. The consultations are free of charge, the content of the consultations and all personal data and information are subject to confidentiality. Advice or course registrations are always made via the PBS secretariat in Ulm.
Further Information
Legal advice
The Student Services Organization offers students free legal advice within the scope of its tasks and responsibilities, e.g. for orientation in tenant legal issues. You can find all information here.
Private Accident Insurance
This insurance cover is included in the student union fee. You can find all information here.