Infor­ma­tion about Finan­cial Aid and Advi­sory Services

Here you will find infor­ma­tion on finan­cing your studies as well as advice on support in other areas. There are contact persons for some topics at the univer­sity and a wide range of advice is available from the Student Services Orga­ni­sa­tion, Ulm.

Semester Fee

The semester fee is curr­ently 148 euros per semester.
Fee for the Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm (62 Euro)
Contri­bu­tion to admi­nis­tra­tive costs (70 euro)
Contri­bu­tion to the Consti­tuent Student Body (16 euros)

Please note: From the winter semester 2017 – 2018 onwards, tuition fees will be charged for inter­na­tional students and second degree appli­cants. Further infor­ma­tion can be obtained here or here.

German Scho­lar­ship

With the Deutsch­land­sti­pen­dium program, the Federal Ministry of Educa­tion and Rese­arch is imple­men­ting the idea of public-private part­ner­ship in the tertiary educa­tion sector: available state funds are paid out in the form of scho­lar­ships if the univer­sity obtains a coun­ter­part from third parties. In total, the scho­lar­ship of 300 euros per month supports students who achieve very good academic results, assume social or poli­tical respon­si­bi­lity or successfully over­come obsta­cles in their own lives and educa­tion. The HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd has parti­ci­pated in the German Scho­lar­ship since the start-up phase in 2012. Carl Zeiss AG and the Uli & Chris­tine Wohl­ge­muth Foun­da­tion are curr­ently spon­so­ring the program.

The Hoch­schule für Gestal­tung Schwä­bisch Gmünd regu­larly invites appli­ca­tions for German Scho­lar­ships. The funding is based on the Stipen­di­en­pro­gramm-Gesetz StipG of the Bundesrgie­rung (German Federal Govern­ment). Appli­ca­tions are open to students who meet the admis­sion requi­re­ments, are already enrolled at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd, and are within the stan­dard study period or are about to begin their studies at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd. The next announce­ment will probably be published here in the summer semester.

If you have any ques­tions about the German Scho­lar­ship at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd, please send an email to ed.dneumg-gfh@muidnepitsdnalhcstued.

Further Information

Equal Oppor­tu­ni­ties at the HfG

At the HfG there are a number of contact points if you need advice or help on the subject of equa­lity. These include the ethics offi­cers and contact persons in cases of sexual harassment.

Gender equality and employment

R6 A9034

The Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm is a partner of the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd and aims to create the best possible economic and social condi­tions for successful studies. The staff of the Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm is committed to supporting students compe­tently and fairly in various areas.

Finan­cial Aid and BAföG

Specia­list colle­agues are regu­larly available to answer ques­tions at their own stands during the intro­duc­tory and infor­ma­tion events, such as the welcome event for first-year students or the Study Infor­ma­tion Day.

Contact persons, contact infor­ma­tion and opening hours can be found on the website of the Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm, Depart­ment of Student Financing.

Student Services Organization: BAföG and Financial Aid

Psycho­so­cial Coun­seling Center

The PBS (Psyco­so­cial Coun­ce­ling Center) of the Student Services Orga­niza­tion, Ulm, offers students of the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd assis­tance in solving personal or study-related problems. This takes place in the form of indi­vi­dual consul­ta­tions or courses. Problems for which help is offered are exam and failure fears, concen­tra­tion problems, perfor­mance diffi­cul­ties, contact diffi­cul­ties, burden­some thoughts or conflicts with friends or parents.

The consul­ta­tions take place in coope­ra­tion with psycho­lo­gists in private prac­tice on site in Schwä­bisch Gmünd or in Aalen. At the College of Educa­tion (PH) in Schwä­bisch Gmünd, indi­vi­du­ally arranged coun­sel­ling appoint­ments are offered regu­larly by appoint­ment. The consul­ta­tions are free of charge, the content of the consul­ta­tions and all personal data and infor­ma­tion are subject to confi­den­tia­lity. Advice or course regis­tra­tions are always made via the PBS secre­ta­riat in Ulm.

Psycosocial Counceling Center of the Student Services Organization

Further Infor­ma­tion

Legal advice

The Student Services Orga­niza­tion offers students free legal advice within the scope of its tasks and respon­si­bi­li­ties, e.g. for orien­ta­tion in tenant legal issues. You can find all infor­ma­tion here.

Private Acci­dent Insurance

This insu­rance cover is included in the student union fee. You can find all infor­ma­tion here.