Erasmus Program
Program Overview

The program contains three key aims:
Aim 1 – Individual learning mobility
Aim 2 – Cooperation to promote innovation and exchange good practice
Aim 3 – Support for policy reforms
Erasmus+ has a budget of around 14.8 billion Euros. More than four million people will benefit from EU funding by 2020. The seven-year programme aims to improve skills and employability and modernise education, training and child and youth services. Information on Erasmus+ can be found on the European Commission’s website.
The funding will mainly strengthen mobility within Europe and probably from 2015 to a lesser extent with other parts of the world. Around two million students are expected to benefit from Erasmus+ by 2020, including over a quarter of a million from Germany. This includes students in all study levels up to and including doctoral studies who wish to complete a partial study or internship abroad. For the first time, students can be sponsored for up to 12 months each in the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate programm. In order to increase the financial incentive for a stay abroad, the monthly mobility grant for students will also be increased, especially for host countries with higher living costs. In future, internships abroad will also be possible after graduation. Finally, Erasmus+ offers students who wish to complete an entire Master’s program in Europe the possibility of taking out a low-interest loan. The previous Erasmus Mundus support for excellence, which supports the entire Master’s program of outstanding students in selected European masters programs leading to joint degrees, will be continued under Erasmus+.
Erasmus+ also contributes to the further internationalisation of higher education institutions by supporting short-term teaching and training for teaching and administrative staff. In addition, universities can invite company staff from abroad to teach and now also participate in multilateral strategic partnerships with other European partners (including non-academic partners) and jointly develop innovative projects (e.g. in the field of curriculum development or on cross-curricular topics). For cooperation with the business community, Erasmus+ offers support in the new knowledge alliances. Higher education institutions wishing to engage in capacity building in third countries can do so in the program’s international higher education partnerships.
Funding for most mobility activities and the Strategic Partnerships is provided by the National Agencies in the 33 Program Countries (28 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, FYR Macedonia, Norway, Turkey). In Germany, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) continues to perform this task.
Under the umbrella of the EU education program Erasmus+ the following mobility measures are funded:
- Study abroad for students (SMS)
- Internship abroad for students (SMP)
- Teacher mobility (STA)
- Mobility of personnel (SST)
Erasmus Charter
Any higher education institution wishing to participate in and/or apply for the EU Program for Education, Training, Youth and Sport 2014 – 2020 (hereinafter referred to as „the Program“) must hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE).
The ECHE was awarded by the European Commission. It proves that a higher education institution meets all the requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ program.
Liability Clause
This project was funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Contact Persons
For further information and advice on Erasmus+ Mobility, please contact

German Academic Exchange Service
National Agency for EU-University Cooperation
Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn
Phone: +49 (0)228/882‑8877
Fax: +49 (0)228/882 – 555
Email: ed.daad@sumsare