Your Path to Foreign Study

We are pleased that you are inte­rested in a semester abroad! The Inter­na­tional Office will be happy to assist you with your appli­ca­tion to one of our partner univer­si­ties. Finan­cial support is available in Europe and Israel through the Erasmus+ program. For a semester abroad at one of our partner univer­si­ties you can apply for a scholarship.

Erasmus Students

Appli­ca­tion Process

The semester abroad at one of our partner univer­si­ties is possible in the 6th semester. However, you apply for a place during your 3rd or 4th semester. The selec­tion process takes place once a year in November and December. If you are in the 4th semester, you apply for a place in the coming winter semester; third semester students apply for the summer semester the year after next.

What exactly is the appli­ca­tion procedure?

Your required appli­ca­tion docu­ments include the appli­ca­tion form in which you name your three desired univer­si­ties, your curri­culum vitae and a letter of moti­va­tion. The CV and letter of moti­va­tion can be written in both German and English. In the letter of moti­va­tion you describe why you would like to spend your semester abroad at the univer­si­ties you named, how the semester there can help you to make progress and which specific areas of specia­li­sa­tion and courses you are parti­cu­larly inte­rested in. General state­ments about your stay abroad are not decisive for us. You should formu­late a sepa­rate section for each of your preferred univer­si­ties. The letter of moti­va­tion should not be longer than two DIN A4 pages. Your docu­ments in a PDF docu­ment can only be accepted if they are posted here by 15 November 2022 at the latest:


The Inter­na­tional Exch­ange Fair provides all neces­sary infor­ma­tion and helps you to clarify specific ques­tions about the appli­ca­tion procedure.

The criteria for the allo­ca­tion of study places

After revie­wing your appli­ca­tion docu­ments, you will be invited to an inter­view with repre­sen­ta­tives of the Inter­na­tional Office, the degree program and the Exami­na­tion Office at the begin­ning of December. Decisive for the allo­ca­tion of a place to study are the meaningful­ness of your letter of moti­va­tion, your academic achie­ve­ments to date, the results of the inter­view and your social and extra-curri­cular commit­ment. We also require a good language level – at least B1 – in the language of instruc­tion at the host university.

The admis­sion capa­ci­ties at our partner univer­si­ties are limited. At each univer­sity, the Univer­sity usually has one or two study places per semester. Unfort­u­na­tely, we are not able to fulfil all wishes. We make every effort to offer you at least one place at one of your three prefe­rence univer­si­ties. It is, ther­e­fore, essen­tial that you state three univer­sity prio­ri­ties in your appli­ca­tion form and in your letter of moti­va­tion. The Inter­na­tional Office will inform you about the allo­ca­tion of places abroad before the end of the year. You must then confirm this by the end of January.

Appli­ca­tion to the partner university

Appro­xi­m­ately six months before your planned semester abroad, you will apply to the partner univer­sity. The Inter­na­tional Office will inform you of the appli­ca­tion dead­lines in good time after you have been nomi­nated. Please never contact the partner univer­sity on your own before the nomi­na­tion is completed. Commu­ni­ca­tion during this phase must be exclu­si­vely through the Inter­na­tional Office.

As a rule, the partner univer­sity will not request a port­folio from the partner univer­sity until the appli­ca­tion has been submitted. The port­folio should be meaningful and free of errors. Accom­panying text should be written in English. The partner univer­sity decides on admis­sion based on your port­folio and the available places. Once you have been admitted, you can take care of the local accom­mo­da­tion, inclu­ding insu­rance, visa and travel if necessary.

Reco­gni­tion of academic achievements

For the later reco­gni­tion of your achie­ve­ments, it is essen­tial that you submit a lear­ning agree­ment before the begin­ning of the semester abroad. In the lear­ning agree­ment the modules from the 6th semester at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences S.G. are already regis­tered. Important: The content and scope of these modules must corre­spond to the courses you wish to take abroad. For each module at the here at the Univer­sity you should take at least one course at the partner univer­sity. The choice of courses is always made in accordance with your course of study. The Inter­na­tional Office will be happy to assist you in drawing up the lear­ning agreement.

Erasmus+ Semester Abroad

The Erasmus+ program enables you to study at a Euro­pean partner univer­sity – inclu­ding Norway and Turkey – and receive finan­cial support through the program. The same curr­ently applies to our Israeli partner univer­si­ties in Tel Aviv and Jeru­salem. The appli­ca­tion for a place at a Euro­pean partner univer­sity for the 3rd and 4th semester takes place at the end of November. Once you have been accepted at a Euro­pean partner univer­sity, you will auto­ma­ti­cally be funded by the Erasmus+ program. You do not have to apply for funding separately. 

Which docu­ments do I have to submit and when?

Those who parti­ci­pate in the Erasmus+ program must complete and sign the lear­ning agree­ment before the start of their studies, have it approved by the Head of Studies and coun­ter­si­gned by the partner univer­sity. Later changes to the lear­ning agree­ment must be recorded in the section During the mobi­lity“. You must also fill in and sign the grant agree­ment before you start your studies at the partner univer­sity. This docu­ment sets out all rights and obli­ga­tions for parti­ci­pants in the Erasmus+ program and is a prere­qui­site for finan­cial support. You will receive the grant agree­ment from the Inter­na­tional Office before the begin­ning of the semester abroad. At the begin­ning of the semester abroad it is neces­sary to fill in the certi­fi­cate of arrival and send it to the Inter­na­tional Office. The same applies to the certi­fi­cate of atten­dance after the end of the semester abroad.

Documents and forms

The Online Lingu­i­stic Support (OLS)

Parti­ci­pants in the Erasmus+ program take a free online language test, the OLS test in the language of instruc­tion, before begin­ning and after comple­ting the study semester abroad. The test is not a selec­tion criterion, it is only used to deter­mine your language level and to docu­ment your progress. Based on the results of the first test, you will be given the oppor­tu­nity to take part in a free language course in the language of instruc­tion or the national language. Parti­ci­pa­tion is volun­tary, but highly recommended.


You would like to study abroad for a semester, but you cannot find your dream univer­sity among the our partner insti­tu­tions? Then you can orga­nise your semester abroad yourself as a so-called free­mover. You are not bound by our univer­si­ty’s coope­ra­tion agree­ments and have the possi­bi­lity to apply for a place of your choice as a non-degree seeking student“. This means that you are not aiming for a degree at the host university.

What should I consider? 

As a free­mover you unfort­u­na­tely do not benefit from the agree­ments that we have made with our inter­na­tional part­ners. You have to take care of your own travel and accom­mo­da­tion, you are not exempted from their tuition fees and you do not receive any finan­cial support from your home univer­sity. Important: Your achie­ve­ments are not auto­ma­ti­cally reco­gnized at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences S.G. As a free­mover, you should defi­ni­tely submit an appli­ca­tion for a semester off in advance in consul­ta­tion with the exami­na­tion office.

Can courses be reco­gnized as Freemovers? 

The prere­qui­site for a possible reco­gni­tion of study achie­ve­ments at the host univer­sity is that it is accre­dited. It is strongly recom­mended to prepare a lear­ning agree­ment with your course director in order to select courses that could possibly be credited to your major. To avoid making your stay abroad a finan­cial adven­ture, we recom­mend that you apply for a scho­lar­ship.

Inter­na­tional Office

The Inter­na­tional Office is located in the main buil­ding in room H 1.01 – if you have any ques­tions, please do not hesi­tate to contact us perso­nally or we help you by e‑mail or phone:

Emma Ott

International Coordinator