Service and Contact

On this page you will find all important forms and infor­ma­tion sheets for the semester abroad. The Inter­na­tional Office advises and supports you in all ques­tions concer­ning appli­ca­tion, the Erasmus+ programme and the funding and finan­cing possibilities.

Forms and Infor­ma­tion Sheets

To apply for a place at one of our partner univer­si­ties, please use this appli­ca­tion form:

Erasmus Docu­ments

If you are studying for an Erasmus semester abroad, the follo­wing docu­ments are important for you: 

World­wide Lear­ning Agreements 

If you spend your semester abroad outside the EU and Israel, use these Lear­ning Agreements:

Infor­ma­tion Sheets for Semester Abroad

Here you will find further information:

Inter­na­tional Office

The Inter­na­tional Office is located in the main buil­ding in room H 1.01 – if you have any ques­tions, please do not hesi­tate to contact us perso­nally, or help you by email or telephone.

Emma Ott

International Coordinator