Product design is in our hands

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Every day. From head­phones to a coffee machine that does what it is supposed to do, from e‑bikes to car-sharing that works like clock­work, or to a local train in which you feel comfor­table. From the safe and comfor­table safety helmet for fire­figh­ters or active people in outdoor sports to the use of swarm intel­li­gence in industry – we, product desi­gners, were at work.

The design of the products is sophisti­cated and diverse. All objects, inclu­ding devices and machines, become more intel­li­gent“, commu­ni­cate with us and with each other. They are inte­grated into systems and will be able to do much more in the future. And we are always one step ahead: what we think up today becomes the reality of tomorrow.

Basics and Focal Points

At our univer­sity you learn the language of form and mate­rial. You learn their meaning, effect and their rela­tion to func­tion. In the basics, the teachers impart theo­re­tical know­ledge of tech­no­logy and espe­ci­ally design prac­tice. Students build up an aware­ness of why some­thing is imme­dia­tely under­stan­dable and lies well in the hand. They are able to inves­ti­gate, ques­tion and test things and build 3D models.

From the first semester on you will develop concepts and build proto­types in groups. Starting in the fourth semester, students choose from the follo­wing areas of specialization:

  1. Product Design

    In this concen­tra­tion area, we look at inno­va­tive products and product systems. The students work out simple solu­tions to concrete problems and develop optimal func­tions for products, devices, tools or machines. optimal func­tions. They attach importance to making use and opera­tion clear and plea­sant. And yes, it may look first-class and feel good!

  2. Process Design

    Whether you’re thin­king about life or trans­por­ta­tion, house­hold or medical equip­ment, produc­tion of goods, storage or trans­port it is not enough to put a good product or device on the market. It is also neces­sary to design the processes from the first step to a defined goal. The logi­stics, the safety, the main­ten­ance and every action in a proce­dure. In other words, the entire service or process.

What we really like about the HfG

For us, it is about the ques­tion of what we really want, need and what makes sense. Not ever­y­thing that is feasible should be done. At the HfG, Schwä­bisch Gmünd we have little left over for mere dres­sing up“ or for disposable products that pile up to moun­tains of rubbish and end up in the oceans. We also don’t find pure luxury objects parti­cu­larly exci­ting. We prefer to do some­thing helpful and useful. Simply what’s good. And we do what’s good simply! For ever­yone. Right up front and in uncom­pro­mi­sing quality.

Your Bachelor Studies at the HfG!

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Oliver jung fotografie hfg 2018 tag 2 9530
Besprechung Produktgestaltung

These are our Projects

At the HfG, the focus from the 1st to the 6th semester is on the design itself and on project work. There are hardly any written exams, but we present a lot of things, present and exhibit. The 7th semester belongs to an inde­pen­dent Bachelor project – your BA thesis. With this you will complete your studies.

Portfolio Product Design

Here’s where we work

We HfGers“ enjoy an excel­lent repu­ta­tion. We work in start-ups, design offices, in design and deve­lo­p­ment depart­ments in industry, in think tanks or in rese­arch-employed or as foun­ders and self-employed. We stand for some­thing and are known for it. It is, ther­e­fore, no wonder that our degree program has been ranked among the best such as by iF Univer­sity Ranking for many years.

Our graduates are ever­y­where both regio­nally and inter­na­tio­nally. In the area“ or in one of the many globally renowned compa­nies with which we main­tain close contacts.

After my bache­lor’s degree, I went to China. There I helped develop smart­phones at the deve­lo­p­ment center at ZTE Corpo­ra­tion. Since retur­ning to Germany, I have been working on products for children at Cybex GmbH.“
David Alan Smith
Lead Industrial Designer Cybex GmbH
My workday? I develop concepts, draw manu­ally and with CAD. I also work with virtual reality tools such as Unreal Engine. I super­vise the products until they are ready for series production.“
Isabella Zidek
Automotive/Industrial Designer Designworks BMW Group
As an inde­pen­dent desi­gner, I work inde­pendently and look for suitable manu­fac­tu­rers to produce my ideas.“
Johannes Stein­bauer
Independent product designer for furniture
We work on large and small leather access­ories. These include hand­bags, back­packs and purses. I design at all stages from draf­ting to revi­sing and to vali­da­ting prototypes.“
Florian Fröh­lich
Leathergoods Designer Mansur Gavriel

Ask us

Any ques­tions? Then contact our degree program coor­di­nator for Product Design at the HfG:

 Annika Weber

Annika Weber

Studiengangskoordination Produktgestaltung