The inde­pen­dent Maga­zine by Students at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd

In addi­tion to your studies, there are other oppor­tu­ni­ties at the HfG to get involved or let off steam crea­tively. If you’ve had enough of your current projects: get involved with Format, our univer­sity maga­zine, or Format+, the digital student magazine.

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FORMAT is the univer­si­ty’s design maga­zine. It is written, desi­gned and published by the students them­selves. One issue is published each semester, dealing with an over­ar­ching topic of social and design relevance.

Hey Friends of the culti­vated Print Product!

We are an inde­pen­dent working group made up of students from diffe­rent degree programs and semes­ters – this has the advan­tage that there is always a breath of fresh air. Every semester, we set ourselves new goals and limits in both the edito­rial and design areas of our univer­sity magazine. 

Each issue usually revolves around a specific topic. The maga­zine is then made up of free articles by students, the working group and outsi­ders. Ever­yone has space to contri­bute and share their opinions and expe­ri­ences. We also want to include exci­ting univer­sity projects, prac­tical reports and reports from abroad, as well as photo series and illustrations.

In addi­tion to our print product, there is also the oppor­tu­nity to design various print-coope­ra­tive merchan­dise products. The working group is divided into main orga­niza­tion, editing, layout and merchandise. 

The format is financed by sales and grants from the univer­sity and offers plenty of space to try out, learn and experience.

And how can I take Part?

We are an inter­di­sci­pli­nary team made up of around 20 students and publish a maga­zine every semester. In it, we repre­sent the students“ under­stan­ding of design at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd and write about what moves us students.

Would you like to hold a maga­zine in your hand at the end of the semester that you have helped to design? Every student at the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd is welcome to take part. No matter what you are studying or whether you already have expe­ri­ence in the print sector! Simply get in touch with us by email or on Insta­gram or Face­book. Or turn up spon­ta­neously at one of our weekly meetings. Fres­hers welcome!


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format+ – the plus in Communication

The online maga­zine format+ is a sister to the univer­sity maga­zine FORMAT, which is published in print form. format+ has been opera­ting as an inde­pen­dent student initia­tive along­side the printed univer­sity maga­zine since October 2019. New formats adapted to the web are being created for the online maga­zine. The online maga­zine takes up the exis­ting name of the univer­sity maga­zine and adds a „+“ to it. The „+“ stands for the multi­media, inter­ac­tive web formats that the online maga­zine offers in compa­rison to the print medium. This is because the web offers nume­rous oppor­tu­ni­ties to develop formats for a student online maga­zine. In terms of content, format+ deals with design-related topics within and outside the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd. 

Exci­ting Content and Team spirit

format+ is a group of students from diffe­rent semes­ters and degree programs. Team spirit is very important to the HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd online maga­zine. True to the motto: the team is the maga­zine. At format+ there are the areas of mode­ra­tion, orga­niza­tion, quality assu­rance, CMS/​programming, social media and editing. Invol­vement in the online maga­zine offers many oppor­tu­ni­ties to deal with the coll­ec­tion, crea­tion and prepa­ra­tion of content for digital media. The students“ online maga­zine forms the edito­rial coun­ter­part to exis­ting HfG online repre­sen­ta­tions, will soon appear regu­larly and develop new formats. The aim is to make optimum use of the oppor­tu­ni­ties offered by the web. The design is aimed at a young target group.

Format+ wants you

The online maga­zine is open to anyone who would like to join a moti­vated team: Code lovers, orga­niza­tion talents, podcast profes­sio­nals, photo and film enthu­si­asts, copy­wri­ters, social media specia­lists and all-roun­ders. Inter­na­tional students are also an inte­gral and important part of the team. The inter­na­tional section is to be expanded over the coming semesters.
