Looking back to the future – the past semester exhibition

At the end of the 2023/24 winter semester, students and graduates of the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd showed what they have created in recent months. As always, there was a wealth of sustainable, innovative and creative projects on display.
The aim of the works is to find solutions to human and social problems through design. Low literacy, for example, describes the difficulty of understanding complex texts – for whatever reason. „Lila“, the Bachelor’s project by Julia Klotz, Jakob Seeger and Antonia Gruber from the Interactional Content Management degree program, opens up the possibility of using artificial intelligence to make these text units easier to understand and thus make life easier. Orientation in the professional world also sometimes causes problems. Alexander Struppe, Carlo Mailänder and Kevin Costa designed an app called „Bloom“ for pupils. A guided process of self-recognition ultimately gives them greater confidence when choosing a career.
Interesting final theses in the field of knowledge transfer were produced as part of the communication engineering degree program. Silas Diessner and Henri Kral, for example, focused on piety and superstition. Their exhibition concept explores the topic on an interactive journey through the centuries. The project „Hexe, the [f]“ by Georgia Simons and Estella Staader also draws a line between the past and the present. Their critical examination of the archetype of the witch allows us to draw conclusions about our image of femininity today.
The Digital Product Design and Development degree program develops smart and networked digital products. Luca Albanesi and Saban Emre Coskun developed an innovative solution to optimize the irrigation of public green spaces and trees. With „Hydrologic“, the two graduates present an irrigation management system that far surpasses current solutions in terms of resource conservation. Eileen Selby and Marvin Ebert took advantage of the opportunity to form interdisciplinary teams. Their project, called „indi“, shows a compression stocking that they have developed, which uses a skillful combination of different materials and closure technologies to ensure greater independence and comfort for those affected.
Evripidis Lalissidis and Peter Swirsky are creating an innovative optimization of macroalgae cultivation with „biosea“, their final project in product development. Macroalgae can be used as a sustainable and resource-saving component of the diet. „echo sense“ is a project by Amanda Grigoleit and Daniel Auspurg that focusses on the perception of space and sound. Their tool helps people to perceive sounds and objects that are outside their field of vision through vibration. In the spirit of universal design, it does not matter whether the impairment is permanent, as with hearing impairments, or only temporary, as with workers in a noisy, confusing environment.
The Master’s degree program in Strategic Design offers graduates of the HfG and other universities the opportunity to expand their skills and to deal in depth with questions about the future and the shaping of overarching social issues and processes. „Rethinking Death“, the project by Jonas Krüger and Jessica Worms, shows how appealing installations in public spaces can open up access to the topic of death – before one is confronted with it in a crisis. Julia Mühleisen and Julian Hamdorf’s project „Circularity Principles for Premium Product-Service-Systems“ explores the question of how the circular economy can also be realized in the premium segment, for example in luxury coffee machines, and how new ideas can satisfy the desire for status symbols.
Impressions of the exhibition (pictures by Katharina Neugart):
And to ensure that all these diverse and forward-looking ideas can be implemented, the goHfG start-up initiative once again travelled with experts from industry and business to award a goCard to promising projects. This gives the project teams the opportunity to take part in workshops and counselling sessions on setting up their own business and turning their innovative ideas into reality.
Rector Maren Schmohl is delighted with the success of the exhibition:
„The sheer abundance of creative and surprising projects makes the work of the university tangible and understandable. We are very pleased with the great interest and the large number of visitors who came to Rektor-Klaus-Strasse to see us on this occasion and are already looking forward to the next exhibition on 12/13 July 2024.“
If you didn’t make it to the exhibition or would like to find out more, you can still visit the digital exhibition: