UX Design Award 2024 to Alumni of the HfG

01 ss23 sg3 beyond visual design

The UX Design Award, which has been presented since 2015 to appli­cants whose designs are convin­cing and improve peop­le’s lives through design solu­tions, once again presented awards in various cate­go­ries this year.

In spring 2024, our alumni Felix Cordes and Jere­mias Lange came out on top of a large number of appli­ca­tions and won the UX Design Award in the New Talent“ cate­gory. They impressed the jury with their haptic design project – Beyond Visual Design“ – which contri­butes to more inclu­sive design. During their deve­lo­p­ment process, they disco­vered that many ever­yday objects are diffi­cult to use if you have impaired vision. Often, no audi­tory or haptic signals are trans­mitted to faci­li­tate operation.

With their project, Felix and Jere­mias focused on multi-sensory expe­ri­ence. They adapted products visually, by incre­asing the contrasts in color, but also hapti­cally and audi­to­rily so that people with visual impairm­ents can also use the products, as they can fall back on other sensory percep­tions as an alter­na­tive. Short­cuts and voice control further simplify use. In this way, Beyond Visual Design“ faci­li­tates the use of ever­yday products through multi-sensory appli­ca­tion options in order to improve the lives of many people.

Her work shows that design is aimed at people and must ther­e­fore be created for and with people in order to fulfil their needs and thus be successful.

The HfG congra­tu­lates them on this success!