David Oswald

Appointed Professor of Interaction Design in 2014. Studied in the Cologne Model Design Programme (now KISD), then worked in research and teaching with Gui Bonsiepe. 1993 – 2004 Conception, design and development of interactive media in his own office. 1999 – 2001 frogdesign Düsseldorf and Berlin, most recently head of the team for user interface design. Lectureships at the UdK Berlin, HfK Bremen, University of Essen, KISD. Professor of Digital Media at Bremen University of Applied Sciences (2004 – 2011) and HTW Berlin (2011 – 2014).

Publications on interface semiotics, auditory interfaces, the relationship between interface and product design, persuasive media and the information department of the HfG Ulm. Head of the Interaction Design programme since 2018.