HapTECH – Deve­lo­p­ment of hapti­cally supported func­tional elements for human-machine interaction

As a moda­lity of proxi­mity, haptic percep­tion is predestined for complex inter­ac­tions. By combi­ning percep­tion and action in the human hand, it enables fast and precise inter­ac­tion processes.

The aim of the project was to develop univer­sally appli­cable haptic systems that can be used in cockpit opera­tion and other man-machine inter­faces. Variable haptic actua­tors and their asso­ciated control compon­ents were to enable the inte­gra­tion of haptic signals as feed­back into exis­ting user inter­faces without requi­ring a comple­tely new deve­lo­p­ment of the user inter­face.

Project manage­ment

Prof. Hans-Günther Krämer
Project colla­bo­ra­tors

Ron Jagod­zinski
Götz Winter­gerst
Coope­ra­tion part­ners

Daimler AG, Göbel Audio, Fraun­hofer Insti­tute for Indus­trial Engi­nee­ring

September 2009 – August 2012

BMBF FHprofUnt

Hap Tech klein 1


Prof. Hans Krämer


Dr. Brigitte Hirner

Referentin Forschung