
Werkstatt guss

Prin­ting Workshop

In the prin­ting work­shop you will find profes­sional equip­ment for the crea­tion and proces­sing of digital image data. High-quality DIN A3 flatbed and trans­mitted light scan­ners and profes­sional soft­ware guarantee optimal condi­tions for the output of your work. Several large prin­ters allow you to print out unli­mited print formats in sizes up to DIN A0. The work­shop manager offers tech­nical intro­duc­tions for basic studies.

Rooms Z 0.01 to Z 0.05

Frank Müller


Model making workshops

In the model making work­shops you can work with wood, stone, glass, metal and plastic. There you will find faci­li­ties for mould making, free-forming and casting tech­no­logy, pain­ting and spraying rooms and a CNC labo­ra­tory. A team of tech­nical staff will explain to you how to handle the machi­nery and will be there to help you with advice and assis­tance in the imple­men­ta­tion of project work.

Rooms H ‑1.11 to H ‑1.27 / H 0.19 to H 0.21

Christian Siegel

Modellbau- und Holzwerkstatt

 Jens Krause

Jens Krause

Werkstatt Zerspanung/Laser

Gerd Schmidt
