Appli­ca­tion Questions

Kommunikationsdesign bewerbung hfg gmuend

What are the appli­ca­tion dead­lines for the Master in Stra­tegic Design?

We accept appli­cants for each winter and summer semester. Appli­ca­tion dead­line is May 15th and November 15th.

What kind of Bache­lor’s degree do I need to have completed?

We require a successfully completed univer­sity degree (bachelor, diploma or equi­va­lent) in commu­ni­ca­tion, product or inter­ac­tion design or another design rele­vant discipline.

How many ECTS credits do I need for a Masters Degree at the HfG?

You need 210 ECTS. If you only have 180 ECTS points, you can still apply for a place. If you get a place at our univer­sity, you have to make up the missing 30 ECTS points within one bridge semester. You will attend courses of your own choice from the Bache­lor’s programmes at the HfG. This extends your study time from three to four semesters.

Is my Bachelor degree grade relevant?

To be admitted to the quali­fying exami­na­tion, you must have obtained your first univer­sity degree with a final grade of at least 2.5. In addi­tion, we look at the overall picture that is presented to us through your appli­ca­tion and the selec­tion inter­view. Your submitted appli­ca­tion counts once, the selec­tion inter­view counts three times. Your total score will then be used to decide whether you will be offered a place at univer­sity, be placed on the waiting list or be rejected. This decision also depends on the quality of your competitors. 

I am curr­ently in the last semester of my bache­lor’s degree. Can I apply without a diploma?

Yes, that is possible. This does not have much influence on the actual appli­ca­tion process and the apti­tude test. If you pass the admis­sion proce­dure, you will be admitted to the program. However, we can only admit you condi­tio­nally, as your Bache­lor’s degree certi­fi­cate is still outstan­ding. But that doesn’t matter, you can hand in your univer­sity degree certi­fi­cate as well as your exma­tri­cu­la­tion certi­fi­cate as soon as you have received them. It must be submitted to us by the begin­ning of the respec­tive admi­nis­tra­tive semester at the latest. The admi­nis­tra­tive semester begins in summer on March 1st and in winter on September 1st.

Please note that a decla­ra­tion of accep­tance and form for imma­tri­cu­la­tion will be available via the online portal once you have received your accep­tance letter. Please fill out, sign and return these docu­ments by the given dead­line, even if you are waiting for your bachelor diploma and exma­tri­cu­la­tion form.

What do I submit when applying for a master’s degree?

Besides the regis­tra­tion and appli­ca­tion in the online portal, you will also need to submit project sket­ches and a PDF with your work results.

With this link, you can register yourself in the univer­sity portal and then apply for the master study program.

Online Application Portal

What is a project sketch?

A project outline is compa­rable to an exposé. In it, you describe in a well-founded way how you would solve a rele­vant problem with crea­tive means. Your project outline should not be about a project that you have already realized.

Is there an infor­ma­tion day on the Master’s program?

Every semester you have the oppor­tu­nity to attend our infor­ma­tion day for the Master’s program. This usually takes place at the begin­ning of each semester.


Where can I see what the students are doing in their studies?

You can gain an insight into the projects and contents of the Master’s program at the Master’s infor­ma­tion day or at the semester exhi­bi­tion, which always takes place at the end of the semester in all buil­dings of the university.

Portfolio Strategic Design

When will I receive confir­ma­tion of the selec­tion interview?

If your appli­ca­tion docu­ments are complete and formally suitable, you will normally receive an invi­ta­tion to a selec­tion inter­view within three weeks of the appli­ca­tion deadline.

When will I receive feed­back on whether I have been granted a place to study?

If you have been granted a study place or if you are on the waiting list, you will usually be informed within three weeks after the selec­tion interviews.

As an inter­na­tional appli­cant, do I need proof of my know­ledge of German?

Yes, at the closing date for appli­ca­tions, you must have passed the DaF (TDN 4) or DSH‑2 tests.

As a foreign appli­cant, do I have to have my foreign certi­fi­cates recognised?

Yes, you need to have your univer­sity entrance quali­fi­ca­tion reco­g­nised by the Studi­en­kolleg (orgna­niza­tion which tests/​qualifies foreign students for study in Germany) in Konstanz. Appli­cants from China must also enclose a certi­fi­cate from the Academic Evalua­tion Centre (APS) of the Cultural Depart­ment of the German Embassy in Beijing confir­ming the authen­ti­city of the appli­ca­tion documents.

Is the Master programme free of charge?

We are a state-run univer­sity, ther­e­fore only the admi­nis­tra­tion fee of curr­ently 136 Euro per semester is charged.

For the winter semester 2017/18, Baden-Würt­tem­berg has intro­duced tuition fees of 1,500 euros per semester for students coming from outside the EU for the purpose of studying. These fees are in addi­tion to the admi­nis­tra­tion fee. If the Master’s programme is completed as a second degree course, tuition fees of 650 euros per semester will be charged in addi­tion to the admi­nis­tra­tive costs contribution.

By when do I have to enroll in the Master’s program after I have been accepted?

The enroll­ment must be applied for in writing within the period stipu­lated in the admis­sion decision. Admis­sion is only valid for the semester speci­fied in the admis­sion decision.