Infor­ma­tion for 
Foreign Applicants

Foreign appli­cants with foreign tran­scripts need the accre­di­ta­tion of their univer­sity entrance quali­fi­ca­tion by the Foreign Studies Commis­sion of the State of Baden-Würt­tem­berg („Auslän­der­stu­di­en­kolleg für die Hoch­schulen des Landes Baden-Württemberg“):

Foreign Studies Commission/Studi­en­kolleg Konstanz

Brauneggerstrasse 55
78462 Konstanz

Appli­cants from non-German-spea­king count­ries have to prove suffi­cient German language skills, e.g. by taking an exami­na­tion at a prepa­ra­tory college for foreig­ners (DSH 2 or TestDaf 4). Proof of this exami­na­tion must be enclosed with the appli­ca­tion.

Chinese appli­cants
also need a certi­fi­cate of authen­ti­city from the Academic Evalua­tion Centre (APS) of the Cultural Depart­ment of the German Embassy in Beijing.

Appli­cants who do not come from count­ries of the Euro­pean Union must present a resi­dence permit when enrol­ling.

German study appli­cants
with degrees that were acquired outside the Federal Repu­blic of Germany and entitle them to admis­sion to higher educa­tion can only apply for admis­sion to studies if the foreign degree is reco­g­nised as equi­va­lent to a German certi­fi­cate of higher educa­tion entrance quali­fi­ca­tion. The Ministry of Educa­tion and Cultural Affairs of the country in which the degree holder is resi­dent is respon­sible for recognition.

Finan­cial Aid

The semester fee is curr­ently 136 euros. Starting in the winter semester 2017/2018, tuition fees will be charged for inter­na­tional students. For students from non-EU count­ries the tuition fees amount to 1,500 euros per semester. Further infor­ma­tion can be found on the BW Study­guide pages.

Finance and Funding (BW Studyguide)