HfG students win the federal ecode­sign award 2023

Bundespreis ecodesign Raphael Jan 01

Product Design of Resource Scarcity

Congra­tu­la­tions to Raphael Jung & Jan Sagasser. You have been awarded the bundes­preis ecode­sign 2023“ in the Young talent“ cate­gory for your Product Design of Resource Scar­city“ project.

Product Design of Resource Scar­city“
aims to develop a guide­line for the design of sustainable consumer elec­tro­nics in order to coun­teract the scar­city of resources. In addi­tion to indus­trial aspects, this guide­line also takes consumer beha­viour into account and shows how the right product design can lead to a more conscious approach to products, their value and their recy­cla­bi­lity. The exem­plary products serve as prac­tical examples to illus­trate the appli­ca­tion of the guiding principles.

The guide lines go beyond theory to reflect the entire design process using very well-desi­gned exem­plary illus­tra­tions. They combine hand­ling, aesthe­tics and seman­tics and, above all, the beha­vioural perspec­tives of the user, taking envi­ron­mental aspects into account. They thus close a gap in the field of instruc­tions for resource-saving design.“

Prof. em. Günter Horntrich


Bundespreis ecodesign Franziska 03

The Plant­S­crew“ project by Fran­ziska Dehm and Dominic Hahn was nomi­nated in the Offspring“ category.

Plant­S­crew“ is an inno­va­tive forestry tool that effec­tively deworms seed­lings without dama­ging the roots. A healthy root increases the surviva­bi­lity of the seed­lings and leads to more effec­tive refo­re­sta­tion. If more seed­lings survive the plan­ting, more trees can be planted successfully in the future. In addi­tion, this also offers forest owners the oppor­tu­nity to utilise their own resources by trans­plan­ting the seed­lings that have been created through natural rege­ne­ra­tion into their own forest.

federal award ecode­sign 2023

The winners of the Federal Ecode­sign 2023 Award are examples of how the tran­si­tion to greater sustaina­bi­lity can succeed while taking design aspects into account. This year, twelve projects were hono­ured with the coveted award.

Steffi Lemke MdB, Federal Envi­ron­ment Minister (BMUV): Truly sustainable products are desi­gned in such a way that they are durable as a whole or in indi­vi­dual parts and can be used again and again. Thin­king about reusa­bi­lity and recy­cling long before produc­tion helps to save mate­rial, resources and CO2 emis­sions. The federal ecode­sign award stands for the symbiosis of outstan­ding design and ecology – both in products and services. The twelve award winners show how the future can be desi­gned. We need inno­va­tions like these to help reduce the consump­tion of resources.“

The Federal Envi­ron­ment Ministry and the Federal Envi­ron­ment Agency have been awar­ding the federal ecode­sign prize toge­ther with the Inter­na­tional Design Centre Berlin every year since 2012. The compe­ti­tion honours outstan­ding work in the four cate­go­ries of product, service, concept and young talent that is convin­cing from an envi­ron­mental and design perspec­tive. It is aimed at compa­nies of all sizes and from a wide range of indus­tries as well as students throug­hout Europe.