Ergo­no­mics in the OR

Sterile work in the opera­ting room is a critical factor for the success of surgical proce­dures. This rese­arch project analyzes sterile work processes in the OR from an ergo­nomic point of view.

Ergonomie im op
The project aims to iden­tify starting points for impro­ving the usabi­lity of surgical products and thereby incre­asing patient safety. In addi­tion, new insights for a system ergo­nomic design of the OR nursing service are to be gained and new methods of parti­ci­pa­tory ergo­no­mics in the design and incor­po­ra­tion of implicit proce­dural know­ledge content of the users are to be deve­loped.

Project manage­ment
Prof. Dr. habil Jürgen Held
Prof. Matthias Held
Project colla­bo­ra­tors
Fabian Bene­dikter
Eva Schiend­zielorz
Coope­ra­tion partner
Paul Hart­mann AG, Univer­sity Hospital Tübingen
September 2010 – August 2013
BMBF FHprofUnt


Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Held

Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Held

Studiengangsleiter Produktgestaltung
Leiter des Instituts für angewandte Forschung

Prof. Matthias Held

Prof. Matthias Held

Prorektor Forschung und Transfer
Grundlagen der Gestaltung
Ansprechpartner für Fragen im Zusam­men­hang mit sexu­eller Belästigung und für Antidiskriminierung