
In the labo­ra­to­ries, students are supported in the imple­men­ta­tion of their project work. A wide range of tools is available for this purpose, with which the most diverse proto­types can be executed.

Ergonomics/​Usability Lab

In the ergo­no­mics and usabi­lity labo­ra­tory, expe­ri­ments and rese­arch studies for class projects take place. The equip­ment comprises: photo­me­tric measu­ring methods, tech­ni­ques for measu­ring posture, general move­ment and eye move­ment, measu­ring devices for recor­ding physio­lo­gical stress varia­bles, measu­ring devices/​analysis for envi­ron­mental factors (lighting, sound pres­sure level, climate), tech­no­logy and soft­ware for video recor­ding and analysis in usabi­lity studies, computer-aided methods for task and acti­vity analysis. Computer tech­no­logy and moni­tors for the simu­la­tion of displays and human-machine inter­ac­tions, expe­ri­ments in a simu­lated opera­ting room.

Room H 1.19

Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Held

Prof. Dr. habil. Jürgen Held

Studiengangsleiter Produktgestaltung
Leiter des Instituts für angewandte Forschung

Ergonomie und Usability Labor


Hacker­space is the place for multi­media instal­la­tions & proto­ty­ping of commu­ni­ca­tion design. Here students have the oppor­tu­nity to develop proto­types and exhi­bits on a 1:1 scale toge­ther with labo­ra­tory staff.

In general, students receive assis­tance with projector, single and multi-screen instal­la­tions, inter­ac­tion with various input and output media, front-end and back-end deve­lo­p­ment with web tech­no­lo­gies such as HTML5, CSS, Java­script (NodeJS), PHP and MySQL as well as physical compu­ting micro-control­lers, sensors and actuators.

 Benjamin Thomsen

Benjamin Thomsen


Media Lab

The Media Labo­ra­tory is located in the main buil­ding of the HfG and offers workspace for students of all courses of study. In addi­tion to work­sta­tions with Apple Thun­der­bolt displays, a wide range of equip­ment is available for rental. This includes projec­tors and mobile devices as well as tech­nical products with cutting-edge tech­no­lo­gies such as virtual reality, iBea­cons, smart pens, weara­bles and much more.

Projects with a wide tech­no­lo­gical range (software/​hardware networ­king) can be executed here. Students of diffe­rent semes­ters and courses of study meet, which invites mutual support and exch­ange. Even those who simply want to test out new tech­no­lo­gies will certainly feel at home here. And if you are at a loss or if things get parti­cu­larly tricky, the lab staff will be happy to help you with advice and support.


  • Computer screens
  • Sold­e­ring stations (+ sold­e­ring mate­rial, single wire/​stranded wire, shrink tubing etc.)
  • Elec­tro­nics rental (projec­tors, AV access­ories, devices (iPad, smart­phones, smart­wat­ches), micro­con­trol­lers, sensors, actua­tors etc.)
  • Other: large white­board, pin boards, Nubert stereo system, projector with Apple TV 4th gene­ra­tion, Midi piano with digital Roland synthesizer

Rooms H 1.22 / H 1.23 (office)

Maximilian Becht


Oliver jung fotografie hfg tag1 201635752

Proto­ty­ping Lab

The Proto­ty­ping Lab, located at the train station in the old post office, is an open work­place for all courses of study. Equipped with lots of space, a screen pool and elec­tronic access­ories, the lab offers the ideal basis for working and prototyping.

In addi­tion, there is a small room for quiet concen­tra­tion work inclu­ding a Virtual Reality Corner“ for working with the HTC-Vive. Consul­ting and rental of hard­ware and sensor tech­no­logy, with a focus on network and commu­ni­ca­tion systems, is also possible. There are two sold­e­ring stations as well as two 3D prin­ters and a tool wall available as well.

The DP regu­lars round­table is also held here. DP students meet there to work, chat, cele­brate or give lectures.


  • Screen pool (12 screens)
  • Two 3D prin­ters (Ulti­maker 2+, Ulti­maker 3)
  • Two sold­e­ring stations (+ sold­e­ring mate­rial, single wire/​stranded wire, shrink tubing etc.)
  • VR station (HTC Vive Pro
  • Tool board
  • Elec­tro­nics rental (micro­con­trol­lers, sensors, actua­tors etc.)
  • Mate­rial Give & Take“ corner
  • Other: white­boards, project storage shelf, lockers, kitchen

Rooms B 0.07 / B 0.08

Felix Arnold

Prototyping Lab

Method & Rese­arch Lear­ning Lab

Method & Rese­arch Lear­ning Lab

The Method & Rese­arch Lear­ning Lab“ (MRLL) in the Aqua­rium“ supports method-based inter-/trans-disci­pli­nary and rese­arch-focused lear­ning in design educa­tion. For this purpose, the MRLL coor­di­nates a range of courses with internal and external lectu­rers and accom­pa­nies them acade­mi­cally as a service provider“ for students and teachers.

Students can use the aqua­rium and its equip­ment for semester projects or theses or in order to conduct expe­ri­ments or workshops.

Room H 1.05

Webseite Aquarium

Andreas Belthle

Method and Research Learning Lab, MRLL

Aquarium: Prototyping Lab

AI + Design Lab

The AI+D Lab is the place that combines arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence and design.

The lab is the contact point for students to explore the possi­bi­li­ties and chal­lenges of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence in design in order to deal with and inte­grate the topic in their own projects in an informed and conscious manner. 

We offer the tech­nical infra­struc­ture for projects and expe­ri­ments with various AI models and tech­no­lo­gies, for example in the form of compu­te­rized images and videos, intel­li­gent sensor systems and voice-based interfaces.

The lab and its equip­ment can be used by students as part of semester projects or final theses.

The AI+D Lab is part of the BMBF-funded joint project KITeGG“ – Making AI tangible and under­stan­dable: Connec­ting tech­no­logy and society through design.


  • Online cluster computer infra­struc­ture with very powerful GPU hardware
  • Statio­nary labo­ra­tory compu­ters for deman­ding machine lear­ning tasks
  • Various micro­con­trol­lers for embedded AI applications

Room H 0.17

Rahel Flechtner

Gastprofessorin Creative AI

Aeneas Stankowski

Grastprofessor Creative AI

Felix Sewing

AI+D Lab | Laborleitung

HFG Reshape 1084 AI D Lab