Search and find media

The univer­sity library is a source of infor­ma­tion and inspi­ra­tion on all aspects of design. Basic lite­ra­ture and current design publi­ca­tions are supple­mented by inter­di­sci­pli­nary specia­list lite­ra­ture from the fields of socio­logy, philo­sophy, psycho­logy, econo­mics and natural sciences.

Inter­li­brary loan

You have not found anything suitable in our stock?
Univer­sity members can place orders via the inter­li­brary loan button in the HfG cata­logue. The cost of deli­very is usually 1.50 euros per item. If you have any ques­tions about inter­li­brary loans, please contact the library team.

VPN – Virtual Private Network

Access to the full texts of eBooks, down­load of eBooks, use of the libra­ry’s licenced digital coll­ec­tion outside the univer­sity (campus network) via VPN.

The print jour­nals, design maga­zines and news­pa­pers can be found in the entrance area of the library. The titles are listed in the online cata­logue. With the excep­tion of the current issues, all issues are available to borrow.

Mate­rial library

The HfG mate­rials library in room F 1.03 above the library offers over 1.000 diffe­rent mate­rials from the fields of plas­tics, natural mate­rials, metal and others. It is super­vised by students and is acces­sible to all members of the univer­sity in consul­ta­tion with the support team.

Lasse Marten

Student team of the materials library SoSe 2024