goHfG talk |​„Finan­cing of Start-ups“ with Hans-Peter Weber

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Hans-Peter Weber, a member of the board of OstalbBürgerEnergie eG, talks about financing forms/types for start-ups, start-up financing (venture capital/business angels), silent partnerships, and contractual agreements for team members.


Hans-Peter Weber was Chairman of the Board of VR-Bank Ostalb eG until the end of 2018 and is curr­ently a member of the Board of Ostalb­Bür­ger­En­ergie eG. He is also the project coor­di­nator of AA-Mobil and BEW-Inno­va­tive Busi­ness Models for Citizen Energy Cooperatives.

Hans-Peter Weber

Hans-Peter Weber

Chairman OstalbBürgerEnergie eG
