Infor­ma­tion for students

Studierende der HfG

Foun­ding a start-up company

Are you plan­ning a start-up based on your bachelor or master thesis? We would be happy to support you on this path. The HfG Schwä­bisch Gmünd is part of a start-up network whose other part­ners include the Start-Up Region Ostwürt­tem­berg, the Pegasus-Verein Schwä­bisch Gmünd and the Pegasus Betei­li­gungs­fonds Ostwürt­tem­berg, the IHK Ostwürt­tem­berg and the in:it co-working lab in Schwä­bisch Gmünd.

The federal and state govern­ments support start-ups by univer­sity graduates with specific funding programs.

We advise on:

  • possi­bi­li­ties and ways of follo­wing an appli­ca­tion procedure
  • usable busi­ness start-up support programs
  • Appli­ca­tion development

If required, we will be happy to put you in touch with our network part­ners. Talk to us!

Campus Cate­ring

The cafe­teria offers a range of hot and cold drinks, baked goods, snacks, salads, dairy products and sweets. Three lunches are served daily, inclu­ding vegan dishes and organic quality. In addi­tion, Studie­ren­den­werk equips the vending machines in the main buil­ding and in the new buil­ding at the train station with drinks and snacks. 

With the Auto­load” feature, you can top up the credit on your Campus­Card via direct debit directly when paying at the checkout.

Studierendenwerk: Mensa