goScou­ting during semester exhibition

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Experts from the university, business, and the goHfG network scout student teams and projects with potential during the semester exhibition and award goCards for participation in the goHfG workshops.

Start-up poten­tials wanted!

Reco­gni­zing poten­tial and promo­ting inno­va­tive start-up ideas: The goHfG team is tack­ling this task during the digital semester exhi­bi­tion for the summer semester. Experts from the busi­ness world and the univer­si­ty’s network of part­ners review students“ projects online.

The task of these so-called scouts is to iden­tify parti­cu­larly promi­sing projects and moti­vated teams. If the scou­ting team is convinced of the moti­va­tion of the students and the poten­tial of the project, the scouts can present the project mana­gers with a goCard“. With this goCard“, the selected students can parti­ci­pate in the goWork­shops at the begin­ning of the next semester to further develop their project or busi­ness model in a targeted manner.

Learn more about goScouting