goWork­shop Entre­pre­neu­rial Tools

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Exclusively for goCard recipients, we offer the goWorkshop on Entrepreneurial Tools, where you practice the basics of entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Also for alumnae/alumni in consultation with the goHfG team. The number of participants is limited.

The work­shop for your start-up idea

You want to take your project to the next level, want to find out if your idea can become a reliable and successful busi­ness model? Do you want to gain insight into how real busi­ness works?

With Thomas Schön­weitz, you have the oppor­tu­nity to under­stand and develop Stake­holder Mapping, Rese­arch Tech­nique, Value Propo­si­tion, and Busi­ness Model Canvas using real case studies. In addi­tion, you will get an insight into first finan­cial models to find out if your ideas really pay off and what you can do to make them scalable.

Besides the design of busi­ness models, well-written texts for commu­ni­ca­tion and marke­ting (press, port­fo­lios, and search engines) are crucial. With Carmen Fischer, you will ther­e­fore learn how to quickly create a good text.

In addi­tion to the 3 days goWork­shop Entre­pre­neu­rial Tools, we offer for all who want to go deeper, the follo­wing goWork­shop Advanced (on 3.12.2021) offers full support and indi­vi­dual feed­back on your project and pitch.


The work­shop was really infor­ma­tive. I learned of many methods and tools that I can perfectly apply in future projects.“
Mona Freu­den­berger
Participant goHfG WS21
The work­shop gives me a great basis to really get started now. I can only recom­mend it to everyone.“
Alina Gaides
Participant goHfG WS21 and winner of the goHfG Award


 Thomas Schönweitz

Thomas Schönweitz

CEO Whitespring | Lecturer
Speaker | Coach

 Carmen Fischer

Carmen Fischer

blickfang | Head of PR and Communication


The work­shop will take place via Zoom.