Infor­ma­tion and useful facts about starting a business

The road to foun­ding a company is paved with many ques­tions. Luckily, there is a lot of useful infor­ma­tion out there to help you prepare your startup as best you can. Here are some sugges­tions from the goHfG team on where to get started! If you have more ques­tions about starting a busi­ness or like to add your own sugges­tions to the list, please contact us.

Full Sail to Start-Ups!
With the EXIST-Start-Up Scholarship

The EXIST-Start-Up Scho­lar­ship is a funded program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

How long?
Funding for a maximum of 12 months

Inno­va­tive start-up ideas 

Teams of up to three graduates (max. 5 years after gradua­tion) and students 

For what?
To develop a busi­ness plan and prepare the company’s start-up with the university 

Supporting costs of living through a scholarship:

Postdoc entre­pre­neurs:3.000 € /​month
Graduates with a univer­sity degree:2.500 € /​month
Tech­nical employees:2.000 € /​month
Students:1.000 € /​month
Top-up for children:150 € /​month per child
Mate­rial expenses for an individual:Up to 10.000 €
Mate­rial expenses for teams:max. 30.000 €
Coaching:5.000 €


Is it possible to start a company during the period of funding?
Yes, but it cannot have started before the period of funding starts.

Who submits the appli­ca­tion?
You can submit an appli­ca­tion with a mentor from the HfG

When can the appli­ca­tion be submitted?
The appli­ca­tion can be submitted at any time.

You can find more infor­ma­tion for the EXIST Start-Up Scho­lar­ship here:

Die Unter­stüt­zung durch goHfG hat einen entschei­denden Beitrag dazu geleistet, ein ursprüng­li­ches Semes­ter­pro­jekt in ein realis­ti­sches unter­neh­me­ri­sches Vorhaben zu trans­for­mieren. Das Team hat maßgeb­lich dazu beigetragen, den Antrag für die Exist-Förde­rung in umfas­sender Weise auszu­ar­beiten und sämt­liche rele­vanten Rahmen­be­din­gungen sorg­fältig zu berücksichtigen.
Elodie K.

Latest infor­ma­tion


In unserem Podcast gibt’s Grün­dungs­sto­ries auf die Ohren: wir unter­halten uns für euch mit Expert*innen, Gründer*innen und Ehema­ligen der HfG.


Stif­tungen und Verbände

Inter­na­tional und Firmen

Grün­dungen und Nachhaltigkeit

Gefördert durch

gefördert durch Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz – exist