Great inte­rest in goWork­shops on the subject of start-ups

Portrait Thomas Schönweitz

At the end of each semester, students from all degree programs present their semester and final projects to the public. As part of goScou­ting, internal and external experts syste­ma­ti­cally screen the exhi­bited work to iden­tify parti­cu­larly promi­sing projects and moti­vated teams. If the scou­ting team is convinced of the moti­va­tion of the students and the poten­tial of the project, the student is presented with a goCard. With the accep­tance of the goCard, the teams are moti­vated to further develop their project and get the chance to parti­ci­pate in further work­shops during the semester.

This way, three work­shops could be realized for more than 40 parti­ci­pants in this winter semester. The students“ inte­rest was very high. The work­shops were led by Thomas Schön­weitz: Consul­tant, trainer, and coach of some of the best – and among others awarded with the Digital Lab Award – inno­va­tion labs and teams in Germany.

The trai­ning condensed prac­tical insights from more than 10 years of working with startups, intra‑, and entre­pre­neurs into one day, and also provided time to apply what was learned to their own project. Parti­ci­pants received guidance and examples of successful models for applying the most popular tools such as inter­views or stake­holder maps. It was a prac­tice-driven view on how to get better results faster, easier and cheaper and at the same time never lose the over­view. Students were thus given the oppor­tu­nity to parti­ci­pate in this unique trai­ning to take their semester and final projects to the next level and check for investor readiness.

With their results, the students can then parti­ci­pate in the goAWARD and apply for a free workspace in the co-working space in:it for one semester or with further advice for an Exist start-up grant and win a free consul­ta­tion with Thomas Schönweitz.

The upco­ming digital semester exhi­bi­tion, which will be held from February 12 to 14, 2021, will once again feature digital scou­ting of final theses.