From Master’s Thesis to SUPER­MASTER 2020“

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Miriam Brüne und Andreas Kiss­ling beim Super­master 2020“ im Oktober letzten Jahres (Bild: Miriam Brüne und Andreas Kissling)

Miriam Brüne and Andreas Kiss­ling, the winners of the SUPER­MAS­TERS 2020“, report in the lecture series of the goHfG Grün­dungs­of­fen­sive about their way to Germany’s best master thesis.

The goHfG Grün­dungs­of­fen­sive has invited the two SUPER­MASTER 2020 – winners – Miriam Brüne and Andreas Kiss­ling as spea­kers for its kick-off event in the summer semester. Brüne and Kiss­ling gave an inte­res­ting and varied online presen­ta­tion about their path from their final thesis at the HfG to Germany’s best master’s thesis with a busi­ness connection.

In their jointly written master’s thesis, Miriam Brüne and Andreas Kiss­ling addressed the ques­tion of how sustainable products and services can be promoted through busi­ness model inno­va­tion. The thesis was awarded the title SUPER­MASTER 2020“ by Wirt­schafts­Woche and the bdvb (Federal Asso­cia­tion of German Econo­mists and Busi­ness Econo­mists) and is one of the fina­lists for the German Sustaina­bi­lity Award 2021. The duo thus prevailed with a good thesis and a crea­tive pitch against more than 200 appli­cants who completed their master’s degree at a German univer­sity last year.

For their master’s thesis, they desi­gned a suitable busi­ness model – for the ficti­tious start-up ceero.“ At ceero,“ large house­hold appli­ances such as a dish­wa­sher can be rented for a fixed rental price and a small fee per usage cycle. With the asso­ciated repair app and the provi­sion of spare parts, the appli­ances can be repaired again them­selves. This ensures the longe­vity of the appli­ances and avoids prema­ture disposal in elec­tronic waste landfills.

In order to imple­ment their idea, the two inter­viewed more than 250 people and used the results to conduct an empi­rical study to sound out the sustaina­bi­lity of their busi­ness model and how it works or bene­fits them.

In their exci­ting presen­ta­tion, the two not only discussed winning the SUPER­MASTER 2020“, but also gave the more than 100 104 students many valuable tips for applying to compe­ti­tions. In their opinion, it is parti­cu­larly important to pay atten­tion to the criteria of the compe­ti­tion: Who is allowed to parti­ci­pate? With which project? Are there any fees? …“ However, every student student should ask them­selves the ques­tion: Is the benefit and effort worth it?“. Parti­ci­pa­ting in a compe­ti­tion can be a good step­ping stone towards foun­ding a company. You can make very good cont­acts and gather good feed­back. Also, a certi­fi­cate in the port­folio always makes a diffe­rence,“ said the two winners.

Of parti­cular inte­rest to the students were the 10 most helpful tips for a successful pitch, which the duo explained in detail. In detail, it was about the correct prepa­ra­tion and the exami­na­tion of one’s own idea, in order to answer adequa­tely to ques­tions of the audi­ence or the jury at the end. A pitch should not take more than 3 three minutes. An optimal length of time is 2:50 minutes, in order to have some buffer for the unfo­re­seen and to get the last important sentence to the point. It is parti­cu­larly important that the spark is trans­ferred to the audi­ence. You have to see the passion and fire in the facial expres­sions and gestures, espe­ci­ally in an online pitch. Espe­ci­ally the begin­ning and the end of a pitch will be remembered.

An impres­sive lecture ended with many impres­sions and valuable tips. It may have encou­raged some students to take part in a compe­ti­tion and pitch their own ideas.

Andreas Kiss­ling and Miriam Brüne graduated in 2020 with a Master’s degree in Stra­tegic Design from the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences in Schwä­bisch Gmünd. Before that, they studied product and commu­ni­ca­tion design, respec­tively, at the HfG. Today, they both live and work in Berlin: Andreas is a Stra­tegic Desi­gner at LAMY’s inno­va­tion unit NEO66. Miriam is a Service Desi­gner at the design and inno­va­tion consul­tancy FJORD/​Accenture Interactive.